Thursday 3 March 2011

Forbodian Foresters - part 3

The Regiment of Foresters is now complete, except for a flag.  I still need to design one. 
All 20 figures ready for action.  I am rather pleased with the colour scheme - whatever they look like, it ain't the Iron Brigade!
Could that be the King's motor car (Rolls-Royce) in the background? 
The two coats of PVA have again made the 'toy soldier' paint scheme possible.


  1. I am seriously falling behind in the 'race' to build up a FLW army, although I do have substantial artillery assets.

    All the best,


  2. Bob
    I'm finding them easier than expected to paint - which is just as well given that I already have army no.2 planned. I bought quite a few guns but I'm in recovery now. We must arrange a game!

  3. Looks good, for the flag use a Prussian one with allot of green...)

  4. Don
    Not a bad idea, but that sounds a bit professional for Forbodia!

  5. It has been my experience the smaller the nation the more complicated the flag...)

  6. Don
    That sounds about right. One gets the impression that Forbodia is a rather self-important little state.

  7. They are certainly a colourful lot not easily mistaken for anyone else's army.

    For some reason the bright green and blue remind me of Turks while the dashing hats say "Italian". Perhaps a nice green flag with a white star, ball or other forboding symbol or else a green, blue, white tricolour.


  8. Ross
    The Turkish and Italian influences are easily explained by Forbodia's Balkan location (for political reasons it is not shown on many maps). I'm enjoying the idea of the G/B/W tricolour.
