Wednesday 16 March 2011

Corunna, 1809

Suffering form withdrawal after not playing a game since a week last Wednesday, on Sunday I set up the terrain and toys to refight Corunna using Command & Colours.  Laying out the terrain was made a lot easier following my purchase (at Vapnartak last month) of more single hex hills and indeed some single hexes - the latter to provide a battlefield of the correct size.
I'll have a few pics of the game after I've played it through.  Will Moore make it to his ship safely or will Soult be able to destroy the British army first?  Place your bets now.


  1. I reckon he (Moore) will make it...but not without a big loss..

  2. I predict that Moore will not sail away safely. Sadly he'll be buried at the bottom of a box of plastic hills while his army sails away.

    Happily he will reappear the next time the table is set. That is a handsome looking table isnt it?

  3. Ross
    I am part way through the game now - it could still go either way... The Hexon terrain does have a nice look to it - and as you suggest, the hollow hills offer a suitable last resting place for deceased generals. Well in 15mm anyway.

  4. Don't fancy Moore's chances I reckon luck will favour the French in this one ;)

  5. Geordie
    The game still hangs in the balance, but I expect the Royal Navy is getting ready to weigh anchor...

  6. We find the French often win; their melee advantage just swings it. Simon

  7. BigRedBat
    Welcome - that's what happened when I played it - but I still think it could have gone either way as it took the French ages to really get stuck in.
