Wednesday 7 October 2015

Elastolin/Hausser castles

The appearance of one of my castles in a recent game generated a fair bit of interest, so here are all three of  them arrayed for your delight.  While they seem to be scaled for 30mm-ish figures I bought them mostly to use with 54mm toys.  I wonder if I can ever get all three into a single game....


Don M said...

I've got one of those that must be close to 40 years old, I use bit for 25mm troops. As for using three at once, why not. I'm sure you could do some sort
of a three faction scenario......)

tradgardmastare said...

What is the collective noun for castles?
If anyone could get them all in one game you could Tim...

MSFoy said...

These are splendid - I recently acquired one of these - I think mine is an ECO, rather than a Hausser one, but it's the same kind of idea. The only historical collective noun I can find is a LINE (Torres Vedras, Siegfried, Maginot), which is disappointingly boring - there must be something better?

Conrad Kinch said...

Nice collection Tim - will there ever be a three castle little wars game?

You'd need a lawn to give sufficent space.

maximex said...

Nice collection,
I like these castles

Tim Gow said...

Don M
There seem to be quite a few of them around - I think we need photos of your castle in action.

Tim Gow said...

I'll take that as a challenge...

Tim Gow said...

What about a 'Fortified Region'? Maybe a bit too 1940s.

Tim Gow said...

Conrad Kinch
Be careful what you wish for...

Tim Gow said...

Thanks, they are rather nice.

Archduke Piccolo said...

These look pretty handy!

Paul Foster said...

Good lord man, your storage system must be under considerable strain!


Tim Gow said...

Archduke Piccolo
They are nice things to have

Tim Gow said...

Paul Foster
That's why I keep sending you surplus junk!

Don M said...

put mine up :

Steven Jordan said...

I have the same castle in the bottom right of first picture and on the left in the 3rd any idea of a model number and or if it’s worth anything?

Tim Gow said...

Steven Jordan
Can’t help you with model numbers I’m afraid. Prices for these seem to vary wildly. Mine are all at least slightly tatty and mine cost more than £35.